Reproductive Health Program

Alaafia’s Reproductive Health Campaign aims to provide comprehensive reproductive health education to African immigrants on menstruation, sex education, birth control, Female genital mutilation, abortion, miscarriages, menopause, STDs/STIs, and health conditions affecting the reproductive organs.

To engage and educate the African immigrant community, Alaafia posts informational videos on our social media paired with virtual and in-person workshops and seminars with medical professionals, providing resources for women to educate themselves and get the care they need prior to, during, and after pregnancy.

Alaafia plans to expand this program by developing informational materials in various African languages.

African women in the United States experience significant disparities in reproductive health outcomes compared to their white counterparts. African women are more likely to experience pregnancy-related complications, such as preterm birth and low birth weight, and are at higher risk for maternal mortality.

These disparities are not solely due to individual behavior or choices, but rather are rooted in systemic racism and societal inequalities that limit access to healthcare and other resources that support optimal reproductive health.

Additionally, African women may face stigma and discrimination when seeking reproductive healthcare, leading to delays in care and lower quality of care.

Addressing these disparities requires a multifaceted approach that addresses the social determinants of health, including poverty, racism, and discrimination. Increasing access to high-quality, culturally competent reproductive healthcare and improving the quality of care that African women receive are also essential components of addressing these disparities.

Additionally, addressing implicit biases and systemic racism within the healthcare system is critical to ensuring that African women receive equitable care and support for their reproductive health.

By prioritizing African women’s reproductive health and advocating for policies and practices that promote equity, we can work towards a future where all women can access the care and resources they need to support their reproductive health and well-being.

If you are interested in our Reproductive Health Program, contact us at